Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I have suspected I have had MRSA for over a year now. It was after I read an article about a misdiagnosed case that was thought to be a spider bite. I struggled with a spider bite several years ago that about took my toe off. I ended up at the Wound Care Clinic with such a deep sore the nurse only had one thing to say when she saw it, "Yuck".

This past week I had a golf ball size lump come up on the side of my head and I have tried just about everything alternative to get rid of it, including my chiropractor hooking electrodes up to it (I didn't get better but my cell phone charged up when I put it to my ear).

After an excruciating night of pain I finally went to my family doctor who told me I have a staph infection that is probably MRSA.

The funny thing is I have been telling Chris for quite a while that I have MRSA and he just laughs at me, well today I couldn't wait to call and tell him, "Ha, Ha I do have MRSA! " Whose laughing now?! Hmmmmm.... actually I'm not laughing, in fact I'm kinda sad and in alot of pain. I know this is pretty serious and I am taking some pretty strong drugs to get rid of it so don't worry but a prayer would be appreciated.

PSA- NEVER GOOGLE MRSA (it's not pretty)

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