I have decided this year to focus on all the things I have done right, as moms I think this is a good challenge for all of us, it is to easy to get drug down with the negative so lets start working on the positive.
I read aloud to my kids a lot- currently Mr. Poppers Penguins
I love to play board games with my whole family
I have been to almost every sports game they played (and have a tailbone out of alignment and chiropractic bill to prove it- I hate bleachers)
I feed them nutritious meals
I take them everywhere they want to go
I listen to their music in the van.... and it has grown on me though I still don't get that whole screamo thingo
I dress them well (I don't think any of them have ever been made fun of "ha ha you're weird and your mom dresses you funny")
I let them wear their hair in all kinds of crazy styles
I take them to church
I hug and kiss them regularly
I tell them I love them
I pray for them continually
Please leave me a comment on what you have done right... I would love to hear it!

1 comment:
Hi bloggy maniac! Loving your fam blog. I'll put you on my friends list!
I love on my baby daily.
I read to him daily and before I start I put the books behind my back and say "reading time" really loud and he squeals with delight. Melts my heart everytime.
I smack his diaper butt out of affection.
I give him raspberry kisses and it makes him laugh.
I take him on a walk daily and let him touch the trees.
On and on.
I'm a great mom and love that God gives me that will to do so.
Hugs Linda---
p.s. Love you!
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