I wonder how many times a mom asks herself this? It doesn't take a lot for us to ask it.... it can be something as simple as finding the toilet unflushed (with no toilet paper in it) for the umpteenth time or more serious as having a kid refuse to give his offering over at church because he wants to buy a coke when church is over.
I have decided this year to focus on all the things I have done right, as moms I think this is a good challenge for all of us, it is to easy to get drug down with the negative so lets start working on the positive.
I read aloud to my kids a lot- currently Mr. Poppers Penguins
I love to play board games with my whole family
I have been to almost every sports game they played (and have a tailbone out of alignment and chiropractic bill to prove it- I hate bleachers)
I feed them nutritious meals
I take them everywhere they want to go
I listen to their music in the van.... and it has grown on me though I still don't get that whole screamo thingo
I dress them well (I don't think any of them have ever been made fun of "ha ha you're weird and your mom dresses you funny")
I let them wear their hair in all kinds of crazy styles
I take them to church
I hug and kiss them regularly
I tell them I love them
I pray for them continually
Please leave me a comment on what you have done right... I would love to hear it!
1 comment:
Hi bloggy maniac! Loving your fam blog. I'll put you on my friends list!
I love on my baby daily.
I read to him daily and before I start I put the books behind my back and say "reading time" really loud and he squeals with delight. Melts my heart everytime.
I smack his diaper butt out of affection.
I give him raspberry kisses and it makes him laugh.
I take him on a walk daily and let him touch the trees.
On and on.
I'm a great mom and love that God gives me that will to do so.
Hugs Linda---
p.s. Love you!
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